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Takumi Kinoshita



Early Bird 

E-mail: kinoshita.takumi(at)



Kwansei Gakuin University


Kwansei Gakuin University


Kwansei Gakuin University

PhD student

Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science

(Assoc. Prof. Kei Murakami)

Master course graduate student

Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science

(Assoc. Prof. Kei Murakami)

Undergraduate student

Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science

(Assoc. Prof. Kei Murakami)

B.S. degree: March 2022




(1) Kwansei Gakuin University Graduate School Bates Special Scholarship

​(2) 56th Young Researchers Association for Organic Reaction Poster Award

1. Jaehyun Jung, Takumi Kinoshita‡, Yuta Makihara‡, Yota Sakakibara, Kazuma Amaike, Kei Murakami, Kenichiro Itami (‡Equal contribution)

"Nickel/Photoredox-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Coupling of Aryl Bromides with N-protected Glycine as an Aminomethyl Source"

Synlett 2024, 35, 337–341.  DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1738444

2. Takumi Kinoshita, Yota Sakakibara, Tomoko Hirano, Kei Murakami

"Switchable diversification of quaternary ammonium salts using photocatalysis"

Chem in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.chempr.2024.11.004


(1) ◯Takumi Kinoshita, Yota Sakakibara, Kei Murakami

"Switchable synthesis of ammonium salts via α-ammonio radical"

ISIRCE (International Symposium on Innovative Reactions through Controlling Electrons), Nara, November 23rd-24th, 2022 (poster)

(2) ◯Takumi Kinoshita, Yota Sakakibara, Kei Murakami

"Switchable synthesis of ammonium salts via α-ammonio radical"

PSRC-10 (10th Pacific Symposium on Radical Chemistry), Kyoto, June 4th-9th, 2023 (poster)

(3) ◯Takumi Kinoshita, Yota Sakakibara, Kei Murakami

Novel synthetic strategies of nitrogen-containing compounds

using α-ammonio radical

8th UK-Japan Catalysis Meeting, Kyoto, September 25th-26th, 2024 (poster)


◯Takumi Kinoshita, Yota Sakakibara, Kei Murakami

"Synthesis of ammonium salt via a-ammonium radical"

The 102nd Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, Online, March 25, 2022 (Oral A Lecture).

(2) ◯ Takumi Kinoshita, Yota Sakakibara, Satoshi Murakami

"Synthesis of novel quaternary ammonium salts with α-ammonio radical as the key active species"

The 56th Annual Meeting of Young Researchers in Organic Reaction, Online, August 3-5, 2022 (poster).

(3) ◯ Takumi Kinoshita, Yota Sakakibara, Satoshi Murakami

"Synthesis of novel quaternary ammonium salts with α-ammonio radical as the key active species"

The 42nd Seminar for Young Researchers in Organic Synthesis, Online, August 10, 2022 (Presentation for Young Researchers).

(4) ◯ Takumi Kinoshita, Yota Sakakibara, Satoshi Murakami

"Synthesis of novel quaternary ammonium salts with α-ammonio radical as the key active species"

12th CSJ Chemistry Festa, Tower Hall Funabori, October 18, 2022 (poster).

(5) ◯平手和希、木之下拓海、榊原陽太、村上慧



(6) ◯平手和希、木之下拓海、榊原陽太、村上慧



(7) ◯木之下拓海、榊原陽太、村上慧



(8) ◯平手和希、木之下拓海、榊原陽太、村上慧



(9) ◯木之下拓海、榊原陽太、村上慧



(10) ◯榊原陽太、濱脇康佑、平手和希、千葉将真、寺田昂祐、木之下拓海、村上慧



(11) ◯中塚春平、寺田昂祐、木之下拓海、村上慧



(12) ◯木之下拓海、榊原陽太、村上慧



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